Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.

What is possible to report


The report contains information on those behaviours, acts or omissions that harm the public interest or the integrity of a public administration or of Emu Group S.p.a. and that, among others, may consist of administrative, accounting, civil or criminal offences or of the Code of Ethics adopted by the Company.

The information subject to the report also includes well-founded suspicions, concerning breaches committed or which, on the basis of concrete elements, could be committed within Emu group S.p.a., as well as elements concerning conducts aimed at concealing such breaches.

Complaints of a personal nature of the whistleblower or claims/requests that fall within the discipline of the employment relationship or relationships with the hierarchical superior or colleagues must not be reported, for which reference must be made to the Human Resources Office in the established manner.

In the report form you will find a list of topics, use one of them. For further details consult the procedure for reports.

The illegal conduct reported must concern situations of which the whistleblower has become directly or indirectly aware, also by chance, while those based on gossip or mere suspicions without foundation must be excluded.

In the latter case, as well as in the case of reports whose purpose is to harm the reported person, these cannot be considered worthy of protection, since it is necessary to take into account the interest of the third parties who are the subject of the information reported and at the same time to avoid the entity carrying out internal inspection activities that risk being of little use and in any case costly.

The requirement of truthfulness of the facts to protect the defendant remains unaffected.